
Menphys relies on volunteers and are always looking for people who can get involved and help in many ways, from supporting our activity clubs to volunteering in our offices. Whether it’s minutes or months, hours or days, the time you give really does matter and we have a volunteering opportunity for everyone.

Our Charity Shop

Within a busy and exciting shop, there are many roles you can get involved in. From serving at the counter, using the till and handling cash, to showing your artistic flare with our shop window displays. There are also many donations to sort through, price, clean and display for sale or you can promote exciting sale items through our social media channels.

Activity Clubs and Respite

Surrounded by our children and young people, this role supports our members of the Menphys clubs. The clubs aim to give equal opportunity to play, develop and achieve whilst building relationships and friendships. This role maximises the time spent with the club members by supporting the club support workers.

Collection Tins

Do you like to be out and about in the community? 

This role would be distributing and collecting our collection tins from shops, pubs, restaurants and cafes.

Menphys Events

An exciting role being outside in the community, includes weekends and can be anywhere around the city or county. Representing Menphys by raising awareness and hosting raffles and games and handing out balloons and goodies.


If you like supporting your community surrounded by knowledge held within the library then this role is for you. Assisting all library users, locating and sorting books, audio books and DVDs. Providing information about the library and maintaining the community displays. There will also be story-telling and library events and activities to plan and support.

The Menphys Coffee Shop

A front of house position in our new hub- To serve at the counter and offer a high standard of customer care, taking orders, making drinks, serving cakes, snacks and cash handling. Maintaining and cleaning the coffee shop area, clearing tables and ensuring a high level of cleanliness. Being friendly and approachable to our local community.

“I also wanted to let you know that Joshua has been struggling with his self-esteem and his mental health massively recently. He was in crisis during the holidays. But after our visit to Menphys on Monday, he is feeling so much better in himself. The mini bikers have particularly shown him that he is capable of achieving something that seemed impossible and scary at first. There was no competition element to the sessions, which is normal in so much of his school life, and so he had no pressure on him from anywhere. He was able to just focus on his own progress and he saw he could do it, which has boosted his self-esteem and self-belief when he really needed it.  Thank you so much for facilitating this opportunity!”

Before we were giving this mini-bikers opportunity through Menphys, my son (5) couldn’t coordinate himself on a bike at all and now he can propel himself with his feet and balance with some control.  He’s made amazing progress. I’m so proud of him.

Thank you we couldn’t have done this without your support”

“I’d like to thank Menphys for the opportunity to take part in mini bikers, it’s not something that George would normally be happy participating in but it’s the highlight of his week and he has grown in confidence so much after only a few sessions. Grateful to you all for the safe space you’ve created for the children!”

There are several volunteer roles available, from working in one of our charity shops to helping out at Menphys events, or even collecting our charity donation boxes.

If you are interested in becoming a volunteer, please take a moment to look at the roles available.