Mini Bikers

Mini Bikers is a local organisation that is offering to teach children how to ride a bike.


The Menphys Hub
Bassett Street
South Wigston,
LE18 4PE


5-week course (Wednesdays)




Level One Balance Bike
4 – 10 years: 4.15pm – 5.00pm

Level Two Pedal Power
4 – 10 years: 5.15pm – 6.00pm
(Level two, can only be joined after completing Level one )

We are offering two different groups to members to support your child in learning this new skill.

Level One Balance Bike teaches children 4 to 10 years.

Level Two Pedal Power is also for those aged 4 to 10 years once they have progressed to the next stage of riding.

Launch dates for Level 1:

– April 19th
– June 7th
– September 13th
– October 25th

Parents have to stay, kids need their own helmet


Register your Interest

If you are interested in booking a place for your child to attend this activity club please give us a call, or use the form to complete the Registration Form to join the Family Database.

“I also wanted to let you know that Joshua has been struggling with his self-esteem and his mental health massively recently. He was in crisis during the holidays. But after our visit to Menphys on Monday, he is feeling so much better in himself. The mini bikers have particularly shown him that he is capable of achieving something that seemed impossible and scary at first. There was no competition element to the sessions, which is normal in so much of his school life, and so he had no pressure on him from anywhere. He was able to just focus on his own progress and he saw he could do it, which has boosted his self-esteem and self-belief when he really needed it.  Thank you so much for facilitating this opportunity!”

Before we were giving this mini-bikers opportunity through Menphys, my son (5) couldn’t coordinate himself on a bike at all and now he can propel himself with his feet and balance with some control.  He’s made amazing progress. I’m so proud of him.

Thank you we couldn’t have done this without your support”

“I’d like to thank Menphys for the opportunity to take part in mini bikers, it’s not something that George would normally be happy participating in but it’s the highlight of his week and he has grown in confidence so much after only a few sessions. Grateful to you all for the safe space you’ve created for the children!”

Please fill in the Registration Form below: