Menphys & Leicestershire SEND Hub Insight Day!

Menphys and Leicestershire SEND Hub are delighted to bring together services that support children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities and their families, all in one place.

We will have information stands from various providers and charities, alongside guest speakers talking about key matters. There will be access to childcare, our sensory room, as well as a safe calming space with activities, and a crafting table for parents/carers with refreshments for all the family.

Who will be there?

We have various stall holders which include representatives from health, local authority and voluntary sector services.

Interested in being a stallholder?

Any provider who are a registered charity or business are welcome to hold a stall demonstrating their role in Leicestershire to children and families with SEND.  For more information contact


Sarah Spray – Menphys
Discussing our new Family Support Service, and how we can support your family with navigating the SEND system.

Sue Willis – The Carers Centre
Will discuss the support ​you need to care for your loved ones and the wide range of services for carers and work with many partners who provide other specialist services to support you and your family with your caring role.

Lisa Franklin – Smith Partnership
Wills & Trusts, what are the options available, and what do families of children/young people with SEND need to be thinking about.


Saturday, November 11th 2023


2pm – 5.30pm


Free – Reserve your place


The Menphys Hub
LE18 4PE

SEND Insight Day

Price: £ 0.00