After starting comedy in late 2009, Scott is a stand-up comedian and writer whose star is most definitely on the rise. His last two shows Leap Year and Relax were nominated for ‘Best Show’ at the Leicester Comedy Festival and has been named by Chortle as One To Watch for 2018 and 19.
During the lockdown of 2020, Scott pioneered the viral hit, Stand up from the Shed, a weekly topical live streamed stand up show from his actual garden shed. The show achieved national coverage in the press, Sky News, BBC News, and Five Live.
Scott is currently touring his Great Scott show, “cementing his reputation as an incisive, witty, and astute commentator on the lot of a weary, middle-aged dad” says Chortle.
Earlier in 2023, Scott came to the Menphys Hub as part of our Jarred Christmas and friends, Leicester Comedy Festival Show. He was such a hit that in June he returns with new material and work in progress.
Monday, June 5th 2023
Doors Open 7:30pm
Show Starts 8pm
The Menphys Hub
LE18 4PE